Thursday, October 20, 2005

And... we're back!

I had some problems recently with getting my bog working. I was convinced it was a Blogger problem. Turns out I had run out of space on my server, so it was my bad.

Big thanks to Christine at Blogger Support for all her help.

Note: the Atom feed should be working again now too. :)


Anonymous said...

Smart folks doing interesting things
Still behind on giving props to folks I know, who, despite all the Web 2.0 hype and Bubble 2.0 ... I will switch to the minute (plus or minus two months, lol) Matt enables remote FTP publishing to my own domain (and provides a clear set of instructions on how to move all my Blogger posts over w/o breaking shit).
Super blog you have here!
Does it have an RSS feed? I really want to put this type of information on one of my websites somewhere... anyway, just thought I'd ask because i really like your blog. I bookmarked you!

my site is about dating and kissing if you're interested...
~ keep up the great work ~

Glen McGregor said...

Welcome back! We missed you :)

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