For a while we have been using JsonPath at work as part of our testing pipeline, when testing JSON rest endpoints.
We use Newtonsoft's JsonPath library to perform the queries. JsonPath is not exactly a standard, and several difference exist between different implementations.
JsonPath queries that work in the online tools, would later fail in our tests causing a painful feedback loop of trial and error to get to a working JsonPath expression.
To avoid this I wrote a simple JsonPath experimenting tool using the same Newtonsoft library underneath, so when a path works in the tool it will work in the tests.
I've released this tool for everyone to use.. and called it JSONPad
I hope you find it useful too.
The latest download can be found here: JsonPad
Some Features...
* Load JSON from file or url
* Run query to display matches.
* Find in files (in Source and Result panels)
* Json folding (collapse/expand nodes)
* Syntax highlighting
Any issues? Log them here
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